
Free download PC games

Elemental Survivors


Free download game Elemental Survivors full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Elemental Survivors
Elemental Survivors

You know what’s cool? Enemy hell games. You know what else is cool? Old-school RPGs. Put them together? It’s a match made in bullet-heaven!

Elemental Survivors combines the best of both, in an auto-attacking, enemy extravaganza complete with unique attacks, powerful equipment, fantastical randomly-generated lands, a train of party members ready to help you with their own attacks and upgrades, elemental evolutions, god-like summons, and constantly updating content.

Elemental Survivors will be in Early Access and we will welcome all feedback to continue to grow and provide frequent updates!

In typical JRPG fashion, the world has been overrun by a massive number of enemies and it’s up to you (and your train of party members) to defeat them, collect the Elemental Gems and rid the world of evil!

The controls are simple: walk around and try to avoid enemies while you auto-attack and collect xp to level. Towns and shops will appear at certain milestones where you can add party members and equipment to boost your attacks. Get ready to become an enemy blender!

Elemental Survivors Torrent Download

Key Fetures:

  • A wide variety of attacks to level as you destroy your enemies.
  • Varied randomly-generated areas to explore and unlock.
  • Upgradeable equipment to aid you or powerup your attacks.
  • God-like summons to reign terror upon the battlefield! *

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