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Oblivion Eagle


Free download game Oblivion Eagle full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Oblivion Eagle
Oblivion Eagle

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It introduces the Onis, a mysterious, masked group who has dominated nearly the entire world using deadly weapons and robots. Their origins and motives are unknown, but their tyranny leads Myro, one of the few known survivors, into hiding. However, with no way of fighting back, Myro is at a standstill… until a strange, hooded man gifts him a gun that contains enchanted properties, later found out to be the titular Oblivion Eagle. Now with a means of defending himself, Myro begins his rise against the Onis, finding out who they are, what they want, and the dark truth that’s under it all.


Oblivion Eagle is a light-gun game where you use your mouse and keyboard to shoot and destroy enemies. Enemies launch colored attacks.

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Key Fetures:

  • Shoot their blue attacks before they hit the screen’s edge
  • Dodge their red attacks before they hit your crosshair
  • Wide shots that cover lots of space
  • Charged blasts that deal huge damage
  • Protective walls that block almost any attack
  • Increased HP
  • Bigger shots
  • Revival after death

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