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The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares


Free download game The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares
The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares

The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares is a collection of 9 games from various developers all focusing on a central theme. The game allows the player to choose from a series of VHS tapes & play a story based on said theme. Forgotten Tapes is the first collection in a new series from up & coming developers, from a community of multi-talented individuals with varying degrees of experience.

Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares will spook, scare & make you question what you just saw out of the corner of your eye.

The theme for this collection is Analog Horror. We understand that Analog Horror can be many things. A Radio, a TV, or even a Camera. But we have 9 carefully curated stories to tell that you may not have seen before, with some surprising twists along the way. Analog Horror has been a staple in the Horror genre for many years, & now we want to bring our stories to life. So grab your floppy disks, load up & get ready for an exciting trip down Analog lane!

The Other One: Directed by TobiasM

An innocent trip to an abandoned house ended with the discovery of worlds and secrets that he would rather never learn about.

A seemingly ordinary camera playing seemingly ordinary recordings will reveal a reality that will change his perception of the world forever.

UV Goggles: Directed by Lachlan Shelton

Gretchen Toys has released their ALL NEW pair of UV Goggles! View secret messages and drawings with the most advanced ultra-violet vision goggles your kids will ever use! **DISCLAIMER** Gretchen Toys is not liable for any disappearances or damage done to consumers when in use of the product.

Consume: Directed by Aaron Wise

An eerie emergency broadcast echoes through the house but all is quiet. Where did everyone go? Reports of violence & strange behavior among individuals are affecting your local area. Not everything is as it seems.

The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares

The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares


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