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Accidental Runner


Tải game Accidental Runner full crack miễn phí - GamePcCrack.Com

Accidental Runner
Accidental Runner

Accidental Runner is developed and published by Albert Espín. It was released in 7 Apr, 2015.

Accidental Runner is an Arcade Action game set in the desert where you play as a stubborn businessman cursed to run forever and punished to do it without forward movement after planning to build a casino in the pyramids.

Prepare yourself for a really challenging experience in which you will have to survive all sort of hazards, including flying carpets, heavy cars, V-Tols and hordes of goblins.

No loading times between stages! Enjoy single player, local coop and first person camera modes and toggle them simply pressing a button!

Accidental Runner is developed by Albert Espín and features music by Jordi Altayó. It’s powered by Unreal Engine 4; I would like to thank Epic Games for the remarkable variety and quality of UE4’s content for subscribers; this game makes a massive use of it for its visuals.


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