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Free download game Deception full crack - GamePcCrack.Com


Some background

Exactly on November 2nd, every one hundred years, a mysterious event occurs.

They call it… Deception.

A new human body enters these tunnels. No one knows how or why they get here, even the subject himself.

The body is forced to wander around towards the end, solving environmental puzzles to reach what is presumed to be the only exit, until it slowly goes insane.

No one has managed to escape yet, we all died here… physically, but our energy is still alive.

We can’t touch anything, move objects or open doors… but we can hear you, and you can hear us through your unconscious mind.

We Are thousands, and thousands Are Yet to Come.

If you, by chance, will ever join us, I want you to know that you need to believe in yourself, because who hopes, dies last.

~ a Soul

About the game

Deception is an explorative environmental-puzzle game.

Your goal is to find a way out between the walls of a cursed place before going crazy.

It will not be easy.

You will find numerous elements and powers along your path that will allow you to continue, even if the solution is often not visible.

Additional features

By playing you will be able to “vote” for the difficulty of a room, your score will then be registered with the others and presented to new players who enters.

This feature is not obligatory for playing and it requires an active internet connection.




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