
Free download PC games

Orph – The Lost Boy


Free download game Orph – The Lost Boy full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Orph – The Lost Boy
Orph – The Lost Boy

In Orph – The Lost Boy you play as a father whose wife died and the child was taken by the state 8 years ago.

Years have passed and you decide to find your son, all tracks lead you to an old orphanage.

The task seems simple, find some information about your son… but things will change pretty soon and you will get caught between worlds, between good and evil, between reality and nightmare.

While exploring the huge orphanage and the undergrounds, you will be solving puzzles, collecting items, uncover mysteries.

Use the items you found to reach new areas or to find more about the story.

Each decision will get you closer to your son or deeper into the darkness. Face your deepest fears and try to keep your sanity until, well…the end.


Key Fetures:

  • Multiple endings
  • Challenging puzzles
  • Huge multi-levels building
  • Evil at every step
  • Secret rooms
  • Easter eggs

Orph – The Lost Boy

Orph – The Lost Boy


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