
Free download PC games

Tracks of the Arcana


Free download game Tracks of the Arcana full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Tracks of the Arcana
Tracks of the Arcana

Tracks of the Arcana is an adventure game which features classical elements from the genre with a tarot-inspired twist:

Each time you play has a different feel with the Tarot Spread. Cards drawn change multiple aspects:

Gather magical resources throughout your adventures and craft new items:

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Key Fetures:

  • Solve puzzles with a magical inspiration
  • Jump from platform to platform
  • Take the role of a magical two tailed raccoon
  • Use your tarot abilities to create new items and alter their state
  • Defeat multiple enemies that stand in your way with specific mechanics
  • Ride a magical train that serves a travel sidekick as well as transportation
  • Each world is altered by the first card drawn
  • Your character is affected by afflictions and buffs with the second card drawn
  • Your tarot abilities are shaped by the third card drawn
  • Improve your train abilities
  • Solve puzzles
  • Access locked areas

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