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Time Machine VR


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Time Machine VR
Time Machine VR

*****MAJOR UPDATE*****


Strap on your headset and dive into the ocean to come face-to-face with aquatic ancient sea creatures brought to life by the latest developments in paleontology!


Meet the titans of the prehistoric sea

You are a time-travelling cadet tasked with exploring the Jurassic era and the ancient creatures that once ruled the prehistoric oceans. Use an array of advanced tech tools to track, examine, and discover scientifically accurate creatures like mosasaurs, livyatans, and megalodons. As you uncover the mysteries of the ancient past, find the connection between a prehistoric virus, the melting ice caps, and a present-day epidemic that is exterminating humankind. If you are a paleontology buff, beat the game and check out Exploration Mode, where you can revisit the oceans and unlock more about the ancient era creatures you encountered in Story Mode.

Key Fetures:

  • Motion controls are now easier to use and more intuitive.
  • Motion controls tutorial is now easier to complete, so you can get playing sooner!
  • Added Invert-Y option to control settings for added gameplay flexibility.
  • Improved graphics performance for reduced pixelation.
  • Improved CPU performance.
  • Added support for Canadian French.
  • Added subtitles support.
  • Story Mode;
  • Exploration Mode;
  • Explore an immersive Jurassic underwater world;
  • Navigate a living and dangerous ecosystem populated by mysterious creatures: mosasaurus, livyatan, megalodon, and more;
  • An expansive on-land VR mission hub located in Svalbard, Norway;
  • The DinoDex: upload collected data, and unlock creatures!


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