
Free download PC games

Pixel Ripped 1978


Free download game Pixel Ripped 1978 full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Pixel Ripped 1978
Pixel Ripped 1978

Pixel Ripped 1978 is the newest game in the Pixel Ripped series. Our hero Dot has to once again fight against the evil Cyblin Lord, who has a very complex plan: to hack into the game creator’s past at ATARI and to make himself the protagonist! But Dot isn’t alone in this crazy endeavor through time – she has the help of Bug, Pixel Ripped’s creator herself, as they join forces to dispel Cyblin Lord and launch the game on time.

Key Features

Game-Within-a-Game Madness: Travel through the gaming world to save it or fix the game and crack the codes from your office desk. Planes and dimensions are your playground in this whacky space-time adventure!

Good Ol’ Nostalgia Wackiness!: New story, new challenges, new folks and foes… same old crazy moments that only Pixel Ripped can bring you!

Back to the Past, from the Future!: Take in the past to understand the future with dozens of multi-layered Atari easter eggs and nods to the way-back era that started it all

Key Fetures:

  • Pure Authenticity: Enjoy an adventure full of friendly faces, characters, and retro games from Atari’s library of classic favorites and rare treasures

Pixel Ripped 1978

Pixel Ripped 1978


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