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Heaven Forest – VR MMO


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Heaven Forest – VR MMO
Heaven Forest – VR MMO

What is the meaning of life?

Where are we heading for and why?

It seems like an absurd and pretentious notion. Yet deep inside us these are the questions we ask.

This game aims to give the player a series of hidden clues in its world in order to lead him to ponder.

You’re not alone in your journey, in fact the spirits you see in the forest are real players exploring the game with you.

The VR device is not required in order to play the game.

VIVE and Oculus are the supported devices you can use.

You will discover that the answer to many of life’s most profound questions is right within you.

Are we just complicated collections of matter moving in patterns

and obeying to impersonal laws of physics? Or are we part of a great and significant plan?

We ofter feel connected to the universe in some way that trascends the merely physical, whether it’s the sense of awe when

we contemplate the sea or the sky, or the love we feel when we’re close to someone we care about.

You might feel insignificant in the vastness of the cosmos, and perhaps you become alienated by thinking that your atoms

obey to impersonal laws of physics, but all in all you are personally creating the world at every moment, just by looking at it.

Is there a plan designed by a superior being? Or is it all casual?

We don’t know exactly how the universe began, or if it’s the only universe.

We don’t know the ultimate laws of physics. We don’t know how life began or how consciousness arose.

Since our mind is limited and conditioned, our eyes see only a fraction of reality.

Knowledge, like most other things in life, is never perfect.

The problem is that our observations could well be mistaken.


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