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Play with Gilbert


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Play with Gilbert
Play with Gilbert

Meet Gilbert! A very curious cat who loves to go on adventures. Play with Gilbert is a sandbox game aimed at young children (Ages 3+) in order to help them get familiarized with 3D platform games and gameplay. The game uses a simplified control scheme which allows young gamers to easily navigate their kitty around the world. The goal is to find all of Gilbert’s friends and collect all the fishies.

Play with Gilbert is meant to be a fun little kitty game designed to encourage playfulness within children. A game you can let your child play without having to worry about micro transactions, unlockables or trading cards. There currently is almost no skill level required to play as this game is not meant to be overly challenging.

The game was designed with the help and input from my own 4 year old daughter. It started out as a small personal project to get her familiarized with a controller and to take her away from mobile app based games. Don’t expect any deep gameplay mechanics, it’s not meant for children who already know how to play more advanced games.

Key Fetures:

  • Play as Gilbert or your own custom kitty.
  • Fully dynamic day / night cycle.
  • Start the game at whatever (in-game) time you want.
  • Seasonal events (Halloween and Christmas).
  • Choose which level to start and travel between levels during gameplay.
  • Two in-game seasons, summer and winter. (Winter is only visible during December)
  • Local multiplayer split-screen
  • Add a time limit for each play through
  • Lock the options through a password system
  • Lock the game
  • Disable seasonal events


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