
Free download PC games

Inside the Backrooms


Free download game Inside the Backrooms full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Inside the Backrooms
Inside the Backrooms


Inside the Backrooms is a Co-op online horror game up to 3 players, where you and your friends will fight to escape from the different levels of the backrooms, solving different puzzles with different mechanics in each one.

This game is based on the famous creepypasta with many real references implemented such as iconic entities and important elements. You will have to explore each room, look for elements that help you to continue advancing throughout the game and unlock new areas, but the further you go, more dangerous it will be, you must pay close attention in the area, identify each entity and know how to avoid them if you want to survive.

Look for supplies, store them in your inventory, explore all the rooms, solve puzzles, unlock areas of the map, interact, try to collect everything you find.

The main objective of Inside the Backrooms is to engage players with its gameplay, difficulty and atmosphere. There are countless identical rooms with an old, dirty carpet and pale yellowish walls, where at first glance it gives you a gloomy and bad feeling where you realize that it is not a safe place.

Key Fetures:

  • Almond Water: Regenerate part of life.
  • Pills: Eliminate Anxiety
  • Radios: Allows communication at a distance with your team
  • Flashlight: Allows you to see in dark areas.
  • Protection Suit: Allows you to prevent getting radiation on some areas.
  • Documents and Notes: Provides relevant information.
  • New Entities
  • More Levels
  • New Puzzles and Mechanics
  • Procedural Levels
  • New Items
  • Improve Gameplay
  • Language Localization

Inside the Backrooms

Inside the Backrooms


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