
Free download PC games

Project Terminus VR


Free download game Project Terminus VR full crack - GamePcCrack.Com

Project Terminus VR
Project Terminus VR

This game is cross-buy and cross-play. Buy it here and you will be given access to an Oculus Quest and SteamVR standalone versions as well on

. You will also be able to play online with every other platforms users.

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Project TERMINUS offers a very gripping horror experience, far from easy jump scare, with a particular care given to the atmosphere, and a natural use of the VR interactions. It offers many elements taken from classic survivals and roots it in an engaging coop and solo story-driven campaign. The player has a backpack with limited storage, a flashlight with limited battery, etc. overall sparse supplies.

Everything you will need to survive, you will have to find it and be cautious about it.

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Key Fetures:

  • Campaign : multiple hours of play time story driven campaign, playable in coop up to 4 players
  • Arcade : mini campaigns and wave based mode on exclusive maps
  • (upcoming) Map Editor : create, share and play custom maps for infinite replayability”

Project Terminus VR

Project Terminus VR


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