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Tải game Unveil full crack miễn phí - GamePcCrack.Com

NOTICE: The game may not work on some system configurations. The problem is rare, but we have some reports.

This is an engine issue (RPG Maker and MKXP) and it’s out of our reach, since we only made the game, not the engine underneath.

Feel free to purchase the game and if you happen to be one of those cases, go ahead and refund it right away.

We apologize for any inconveniences.

Authentic Survival in Nature

Survival in it’s purest form, in a deeply simulated world, modeled after nature itself.

Energy preservation

Every step you take and every action you peform costs Energy, you can only replenish by ingesting food. If you run out of Energy, you run out of luck.

Setup traps to catch wild animals, fish fresh fish, or harvest and replant plants.

Cook fat or eat worms if you have to.


Your body spends water to function, and also to sweat, the only mechanism to cool the body off. Water is life. They say it for a reason.

Find fresh water, refill water containers, collect rain water, or produce it from air humidity or salt water.

Body temperature

High temperatures and dry air increase water loss, while low temperatures can cause sickness or even the body to shut down. Adapt or be left behind.

Shelter from cold or intense sun. Wear clothes to protect from rain, sun or to warm up. Relocate if suited by season.

Simulation: A true model of nature

Planet rotation

Earth tilt, spin and rotation simulation defines sun altitude, allowing for a great diversity of survival locations by latitude.

Survive near Equator for a permanent summer, or close to the Pole to survive nights that last an entire season.


System minimum

System recommended



