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A Long Journey to an Uncertain End


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A Long Journey to an Uncertain End
A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

Not looking good, Captain. That holo-influencer you sent Matias to guard has been “upstaged”. Putting a former drag queen before every camera in the ‘verse? Not the best idea. And the anti-sentience rally we sent Aylah to… that’s a riot now. Not saying it’s her fault the audio drones were hacked, but, you know. Probably didn’t help.

On top of that, Truly and Denny are nowhere to be found. Any chance of keeping a low profile is out the airlock.

All in all, a quieter day than most!

Sentient ships have been outlawed for centuries. With the help of your holo-companion C.O.R.G.I. and your (mostly) loyal crew, you’ve managed to evade capture. Now there’s an entire galaxy between you and freedom.

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End is a narrative space opera that’ll have you soaring around the universe assembling an unruly crew from an eclectic cast of characters. As a sentient A.I., pick your preferred pronouns or customize them to whatever you like before voyaging through the ‘verse. Take any job you can to keep one step ahead of your abusive ex, and keep flying towards freedom.

Along your travels, bring aboard an eclectic crew from a diverse cast of characters with their own stories and skill sets. Who will you bring on your adventure?

🌹 Truly, ace pilot and champion charmer.

👛 Denny, thief, troll, lovable scoundrel.

🔧 BRD, fellow sentient A.I., former spaceship, current robot outcast.

Invite these misfits and more to join your cosmic travels!

Supplies don’t come for free in the ‘verse, doubly so for outlawed sentient spaceships. Every planet, moon and space station is a valuable source of jobs and their precious rewards. Assign crew tasks based on their skills, and help guide their decisions along the way. Every job is a chance to gain resources or a lead on a more lucrative gig on another world. If everything pays off, you’ll have what you need to escape. If not…well, you can call in those favors you’ve been saving.

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End


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