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Pulse Shift (v1.5.0)


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Pulse Shift  (v1.5.0)
Pulse Shift (v1.5.0)

Pulse Shift is first person puzzle platformer which allows players to control and cheat physics. The game allows to play with physics, gravity and manipulating time. The primary goal is finding right way and getting to the arrow location as fast as possible. It is a game where you finding, trying, jumping, collecting, avoiding, thinking, running and trying again. It is 3D puzzle game where you really playing with a three dimensions.

Game Features

Game consist of over 60 levels in 7 different theme styles with own music and special new ability such as time and gravity manipulation, projection, ability to see invisible objects and recharge ability which can move or rotate various in-game objects.

Game modes

Game is now extended with two game modes. The first game mode allows player to accelerate game world, which can be used as sprint, while falling through disappearing platforms or to quickly recharge energy. The second mode allows to mark hidden bonuses in additional to level goal marker and holokeys. These modes can be enabled and disabled anytime.

Downloadable content included

Chamber 5 dlc is now integrated into the game, available in bonus section at any time. Dlc includes new theme and 5 additional levels.

Extras content

Steam edition comes with a bonus extras including level design concepts.


System minimum

System recommended



